Exceptional childcare - safe, supportive and engaging

Mike Reynolds Early Childhood Centre (MRECC) has been providing high quality childcare to Townsville children since 1993.

MRECC is a community-based, not-for-profit Long Day Care Centre managed by a parent committee. Our educators are focused on providing a safe, secure, and supportive environment for children to grow and learn.

With four day care rooms and a purpose-built Kindergarten, our days are spent playing and learning under the beautiful tropical Banyan Tree in our yard.

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 6.30am - 5.30pm, 50 weeks a year


  • All 5 rooms are $127 per day.

    Enrolment fee $50

    Annual Fee $3.30

  • Centre fees include 3 meals per day, Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea.

    All meals are prepared by our wonderful cooks.

    Storypark access.


    Child Care Subsidy is a payment made by the federal government to families to assist with the cost of childcare. It is paid directly to the centre to reduce your fees.

    CCS is paid for up to 42 allowable absence days for each child per financial year. Allowable absences may be taken for any reason, including holidays. Once all allowable absences have been used parents will no longer receive CCS and will be charged full fees for any future absences. Your receipt shows the tally of allowable absences used so far.

    CCS is also payable for unlimited approved absences taken for the following reasons

    - illness with a medical certificate - parents RDO’s

    - periods of local emergency - shift work of parents

    - court ordered shared custody

    There is no limit to the number of approved absences. These days are not included in your 42 day allowable absences tally.

    Your CCS payments are paid in accordance with your CCS entitlement hours. You will be entitled to your entitlement hours of subsidised care per fortnight.

    If your child’s enrolment ends

    If your enrolment ends we generally won’t pay CCS for any days after the last day your child physically attends. You’ll need to pay full fees for these days.


    For further information visit


  • Yes. If you require an extra casual day for your child, the request may be sent through the XPLOR Home App, the Director or Administrator will approve the casual book if vacancies permit. You will receive a notification through the XPLOR Home App. Alternatively, if the day is urgent contact the centre as soon as possible and they will contact the Director to confirm the casual day. Casual days are charged at $140 a day. CCS will apply if your entitlement hours allow.

  • Yes. From time to time the Centre invites a variety of performers in (incursions)

    We have had a long running commitment with Boori Monty Pryor from Young Australia workshop to share Indigenous Perspectives.

    Costa from King Kongz Music created musical experiences with all age groups.

    Hands on wildlife have also attended the centre.

    We are always seeking and including new exciting incursions.

    Excursions are run from time to time.



12 Leichhardt Street

Townsville QLD 4810

6.30am - 5.30pm

(07) 4721 3983

MRECC - Giving your children the best possible start to education!